An intensive milk feeding program starting immediately after birth with an enhanced colostrum intake followed by intensive milk replacer feeding supports postnatal growth and development of dairy calves, prevents health problems and promotes the rearing of robust young animals. Dairy cow milk performance studies indicate that improved feeding management during early calf rearing positively influences lifetime performance.
Intensive calf rearing can significantly increase the milk yield. The additional costs for the milk replacer are then no longer significant due to the increased milk yield.
The challenge: Newborn calves are particularly vulnerable as their active immunity is not fully developed. Digestive disorders in the first two weeks of life are a major problem on many farms. They can have many causes, such as high calving and pairing densities in calf pens, fluctuating ambient temperatures, etc. If a farm is affected, […]
The challenge: The diarrhoea that occurs is not always caused by an infection, but can also be triggered by non-infectious factors. These include, for example, feeding errors, feed changes or inadequate hygiene. In the case of diarrhoea, immediate reaction is important to prevent not only dehydration but also undersupply of the piglet. The need for […]
The challenge: In cases of diarrhoea, the calf excretes large amounts of electrolytes and fluid, which needs to be compensated via the feed. Electrolytes are acids, bases and also salts. They form a sensitive balance in the body, the electrolyte balance. This is the basis for many important biochemical processes in the body. A disruption […]
Calf diarrhoea continues to cause major problems on many farms. Cryptosporidia form the largest part of diarrhoea pathogens. This can be shown by various studies. Once a farm is infected also the best colostrums management and hygiene methods will not help. Cryptosporidia are not only very resistant but also very difficult to control. During this […]
The challenge: In cases of diarrhoea, the calf excretes large amounts of electrolytes in addition to fluid and these electrolytes must be supplied once again via the drink. Electrolytes are acids, bases and also salts. They form a delicate balance in the body, the electrolyte balance. This is the basis for many important biochemical processes […]
The challenge: Whole milk feeding for calves often comes with risks. Although this method seems to be the most natural, the nutrient supply of calves receiving solely whole milk is often not sufficient. Due to genetic breeding, milk composition but also quantities have changed and no longer fit to the demand of calves. Essential vitamins, […]
The challenge: Diarrhoea in calves during the first four weeks of life is one of the most common and also loss-causing stock problems as the calves loses significant amounts of fluid and electrolytes. Sporadic diarrhoea is usually caused by non-infectious factors. These include, for example, feeding errors (incorrect drinking temperature), feed changes or insufficient […]
The challenge: Calf rearing focuses on growth, security and the best possible exploitation of growth potential. Depending on the breeding goal and market situation, companies can choose between two types of milk replacer. There are milk replacer based on skimmed milk or based on whey powder. In order to save costs in calf rearing, it […]
The challenge: Calf rearing focuses on growth, security and the best possible exploitation of growth potential. Depending on the breeding goal and market situation, companies can choose between two types of milk replacer. There are milk replacer based on skimmed milk or based on whey powder. The two-phase feeding can save costs under certain market […]
The challenge: The first weeks of life of the calf lay the basis for later performance. Also some studies have shown that intensive rearing leads to higher performance in the first lactation. To achieve this goal, some rely on an ad libitum feeding. Calf milk must meet certain requirements for this feeding regime. Acidification offers […]
The challenge: Choosing the right calf milk replacer forms not only the foundation for problem-free but also successful calf rearing. It results in healthy and productive animals. A milk replacer with a combination of high-quality whey proteins, skimmed milk powder, vegetable fats but also digestable vegetable protein can be used optimally throughout the rearing period […]
The challenge: Successful calf rearing focuses on growth, security and the best possible exploitation of growth potential. Depending on the breeding goal and market situation, companies can choose between two types of milk replacer: milk replacer based on skimmed milk or based on whey powder. Practice shows that high weight gains can also be achieved […]
The challenge: During the first weeks in calf life, the basis for later performance is set. Some studies have shown that intensive rearing leads to higher performance in the first lactation. To achieve this goal, some rely on ad libitum feeding. Calf milk must meet certain requirements for this feeding regime. In practice, the use […]
The challenge: The digestive system of young calves is very sensitive. So, the use of high-quality protein sources is recommended in the first weeks of life. Milk replacers with a combination of skimmed milk powder, whey protein, highly digestible wheat protein but also vegetable fats have proven to show best results in performance-oriented calf rearing, […]
The challenge: The growth potential of young calves should be optimally exploited in rearing. Also, the milk replacer must be optimally tailored according to the needs. Protein supply is an important aspect in this context. An oversupply often negatively affects the animal health. The metabolic load increases. At the same time, there is an increased […]
The challenge: Only healthy, optimally nourished calves can achieve high milk yields as later dairy cows. The basis for this is laid in the first weeks of the calf’s life (metabolic programming). In the first weeks of life, the calf only has milk as a source of energy and nutrients. Since the young digestive system […]
The challenge: At the beginning of rearing, there is a high infection pressure on many farms. At the same time, calves are particularly susceptible to health problems at this time. The basis for carefree, and also healthy rearing is set by aiming for perfect conditions. This contains an optimal colostrum management and an intensive feeding […]
The challenge: According to current studies, the majority of young calves’ diarrhoea occurring until the 14th day of life is of an infectious nature (e.g. due to clostridia). In addition, feeding-related problems can occur during the changeover phase. For this reason, securing health and immunity is of great importance. Both of these can be promoted […]
The challenge: Calves do not obtain any immunoglobulins from the cow´s uterus. Directly after birth the calf’s immunity is based only on the supply of colostrum. This is why a sufficient but also fast supply of colostrum is required. In case of an insufficient supply of immunoglobulins, there are problems such as high mortality, total […]
The challenge: When feeding calves on dairy farms with whole milk there is always a risk. Although whole milk feeding seems to be the natural method, the nutrient supply of calves based only on whole milk is often insufficient. Milk composition and quantity has changed due to genetic breeding and it is no longer adequate […]
The challenge: During rearing, the animals’ growth potential should be optimally utilised. Negative factors during this phase costs the animal energy and therefore usually also growth. Supporting the immune system is therefore of great importance. This can prevent growth depression and minimise financial losses. Negative factors can include transport, rehousing or feed changes. Appetite-stimulating substances […]
The challenge: Diarrhoea in the first four weeks of life is one of the most common and lossy stock problems, as the calf suffers from great loss of fluids but also electrolytes. Sporadic diarrhoea is usually caused by non-infectious factors. These include, for example, feeding errors (incorrect drinking temperature), feed changes or insufficient hygiene. If […]