BEWI-MILK® Protect

Even in the first few weeks of life, the metabolism of a calf is focused on high conversion yields such as feed intake, growth and later milk yield. For successful calf and weanling rearing, growth potential needs to be fully exploited from the beginning. This can only happen if the feed supplied matches the animal’s needs as early as in the milk-consuming phase.
It has been demonstrated in practice that intensive rearing with high-quality milk replacers has a positive impact on yields. Products need to taste good if the animals are to be certain to consume them.
Despite optimum husbandry, it is not always possible to prevent stress situations in modern cattle farming. Stress reduces yield and so impairs growth. Stress can be triggered by inanimate (e.g. transport, entering/changing pens, change in feed, weaning) and animate stressors (e.g. viruses, bacteria) .
Our specialist feedstuffs are ideally suited to animals’ requirements and can be used to support metabolism in specific situations. For optimum growth.