In case of calf diarrhoea


Newborn calves are particularly sensitive in the first few weeks of life, as their immune defences are not yet fully developed. Digestive disorders in particular, such as infectious calf diarrhoea, are a significant risk for many farms. These problems often occur in the first two weeks of life and are promoted by factors such as high calving and housing densities or temperature fluctuations. Even optimum hygiene and good colostrum management alone cannot always solve the problem.

Targeted support for the digestive system can help to protect calves from these challenges. Stabilising gut function in the critical initial phase ensures successful rearing and healthy growth.

Your benefits:

  • Suitable for organic/ecological farms
  • To support the calf in the case of infectious calf diarrhoea
  • Proven in practice: more than 400.000 calves successfully fed
  • Contributes to whole milk feeding and delivers with vitamins and trace elements
  • Stabilises digestion
  • Easy application in milk
  • Suitable for “GMO-free” feeding (VLOG-verified)
  • Directly from the manufacturer

Our solution:

The dietary feed BEWI-SAN Prevent C GREEN was specially developed to stabilise the physiological digestion of newborn calves.

May be used in organic production in accordance with regulation (EU) 2018/848. DE-ÖKO-003

  • Special features of organic acids support the digestion and stabilise the colostrum for at least 12 hours
  • Lactic acid bacteria protects the intestinal mucous membrane and promotes the natural intestinal flora
  • Beta-Carotene as provitamin A supports the immunity of the calf
  • Optimum combination of necessary vitamins and trace elements helps to prevent deficiency syndromes
  • With aroma and appetite stimulating substances (plant extract)

Application area:

To support infectious calf diarrhoea and to stabilise natural digestion in the first 14 days of life – especially if there is an increased risk of digestive disorders.


Use BEWI-SAN Prevent C GREEN from second meal onwards during the first 8-14 days of life. 10 g BEWI-SAN Prevent C  per litre of milk.

At least 60 g per calf and day.