We incorporate ingredients
so that they arrive where they are needed.

Animal nutritionists are looking for ingredients that have special effects during digestion and metabolisation. However, they are often faced with the problem that the ingredients are already broken down in the upper intestinal tract (rumen/stomach) or during storage.

Examples are amino acids and most vitamins in ruminants and some organic acids, fatty acids and plant extracts in monogastric animals.

In order to avoid degradation of the active components, an embedding is often the best solution.

Features/advantages of
spray cooling of special mixtures

Fetttropfen, Öltropfen

Various fat sources as the basis

The fat sources used for incorporation form the basis for targeted release of the ingredients and full availability for the animals.

Wirkstoffe Verkapselungstechnologie bunt

Combination of several ingredients

Thanks to our special cryotechnology, we can protect a high concentration and combination of several ingredients from breakdown.

Schutzschild mit grünem Haken

Optimum protection

Our incorporation of special fats ensures optimum protection. For optimum availability in the small intestine.

BEWI-FATRIX Fatrix Moleküle im Verdauungstrakt

Targeted release

The special fat component and the production process also allow complete digestion in the small intestine and a targeted release of the incorporated ingredients.

Verkapselungstechnologie, Matrixverkapselung von Wirkstoffen

Incorporated ingredients

BEWI-FATRIX Produkte und die Verdauung von Geflügel und Schwein

Plant-based raw materials
Organic acids
Fatty acids
Essential oils

BEWI-FATRIX Produkte und die Verdauung der Kuh

Plant extracts
B vitamins


Our strength:
Tailor-made solutions

Image Tailor-Made Solutions Possible

Based on our many years of experience, we offer customer-specific solutions for innovative feed concepts.

Special spray cooling concentrates


The incorporated solutions of our BEWI-FATRIX® product line stand for optimal protection and best availability in the small intestine.