BEWI-SAN Prevent C

Every farmer wants healthy animals. They are the best prerequisite for successful and profitable livestock farming. If, on the other hand, illnesses occur, performance depressions and lower daily increases can be expected.
It has been known for a long time that the feed, in addition to species-appropriate husbandry and good management, can also have a significant influence on health.
The feed should not only optimally meet the animals’ needs for nutrients, but also ensure high performance and support health naturally to reduce the use of medications.
With BEWI-SAN we promote a healthy and optimal nutrition of your rearing calves, beef calves, piglets and dairy cows - in a natural way.
We sincerely believe that nature provides the best formulas for maintaining the health. For this reason, we prefer to use natural active ingredients such as fenugreek, carob flour, bananas and carrots, as well as various herbs.
The natural helpers BEWI-SAN support the animal's metabolism actively and are suited to specific situations in life.
With our wide range of dietary and supplemental feeds, we support the healthy and optimal nutrition of your rearing calves, beef calves, piglets and dairy cows.
Whether the stress of birth, diarrhoea, respiratory diseases, whole milk feeding, immunodepression or a lack of vitality, with our BEWI-SAN products, we offer real problem-solvers to improve animal health – naturally.