To acidify the urine
Die Herausforderung:
For dairy cows:
In recent years, many dairy farmers have already been intensively involved with the DCAB concept (DCAB: dietary-cation-anion-balance) in dry period feeding. It is known that a low DCAB in the dry period can help prevent milk fever. The effect or success in dairy cows is often measured by urine pH or its reduction. However, pH is a very slow responder to dietary DCAB adjustment. The true effect of the ration on acid-base balance can be better assessed by using urinary net acid-base excretion (NABE). A short-term metabolic acidosis in the blood activates mechanisms for calcium release from the skeleton. Due to the metabolically induced, higher calcium excretion via the kidneys, an adapted, higher calcium supply is important at the same time. However, precise knowledge of the DCAB values of the ration and a good assessment of the ration and the feed intake of the cows are crucial here.
For sows:
Many sow farms have to deal with various challenges around birth, such as a prolonged birth duration, an increased number of piglets born dead and an increased incidence of MMA. The cause is often a calcium dysfunction in connection with an excessively high cation-anion balance (CAB) and an excessively high urine pH value.
Your benefits:
- High palatability for maximum feed intake
- Low application quantity and easy to use
- Maximum availability of active ingredients thanks to a special production process
- Suitable for “GMO-free” feeding (VLOG-verified)
- Directly from the manufacturer
Our solution:
BEWI-FATRIX® Anionic is a dietary feed supplement for dairy cows and sows to acidify the urine.
- Rumen/stomach stable ammonium chloride
- Dairy cows: To reduce the risk of milk fever and subclinical hypocalcaemia
- Ruminants: To reduce the risk of urinary calculi
- Sows: To reduce the urine pH value
BEWI-FATRIX® Anionic helps the dairy cow and sow to significantly reduce the urine pH value.
Dairy cows/ruminants:
- max. 250 g per animal and day
max. 20g per kg dry matter of the complete feed
For dairy cows: From 3 weeks before calving until calving. Only feed until calving. The product has a low cation-anion ratio.
For ruminants: Up to six weeks of feeding. Especially for intensively fed young animals. Offer water for free intake. The product has a low phosphorus and magnesium content and has uric acidifying properties.
- max. 10g per kg complete feed
To be fed from the 9th to 11th week of pregnancy and from the 15th week of pregnancy to the 1st week of lactation. An adequate supply of calcium must be ensured!