BAT-Conference 2022
The Bavarian Working Group Animal Nutrition (BAT) organizes its 60th annual conference this year at the LfL in Poing/Grub. The general topic is: “Make the supply of minerals animal-friendly and sustainable!”. Again, we were represented with a scientific contribution.
The title of our poster was: “Effect of supplementing rumen-protected biotin in dairy cows – a practice test”.
The study results in brief:
In the present study, the effect of supplementing rumen-protected biotin on a practical farm in North Rhine-Westphalia with approx. 140 Holstein cows was tested (BEWI-FATRIX® Biotin).
- Adding rumen-protected biotin significantly increased the daily milk yield by 3.1 kg; the milk fat synthesis was significantly increased by 0.12 kg/cow/day; the milk protein synthesis was significantly increased by 0.08 kg/cow/day.
- The claw manager in charge confirmed that after the test period with biotin, no white-line defect was detectable in the herd.
- The effect of supplementing rumen-protected biotin shows that additional effects on milk yield can be expected at high milk yields and that claw health can be improved.