To support the metabolism
The challenge:
In modern livestock farming, various factors challenge the optimisation of feeding. The animals are exposed to various types of stress, such as environmental factors or physiological factors. This can result in reduced feed intake during periods of high stress and lead to an inadequate supply of nutrients. This weakens the animal and in turn favours oxidative stress, in which more free radicals are formed.
As a result, the immune system can be disturbed, which puts a strain on the metabolism and impairs animal health. Needs-based and constant feeding is therefore essential to keep animals healthy.
Your benefits:
- Stable in the stomach and available in the gut
- Free-flowing and easy to use
- Maximum availability of active ingredients thanks to a special production process
- Suitable for “GMO-free” feeding (VLOG-verified)
- Directly from the manufacturer
Our solution:
BEWI-FATRIX® Fortify is a feed supplement and has been developed for all types of livestock. It is a combination product based on processed herbs (capsicum annuum), phytogenes and vegetable fat.
- This unique combination supports the metabolism thanks to its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects
- The formulation promotes safe feed and nutrient intake
- Suitable for all animal species, especially in phases of increased demand
- Very good processability and storage stability due to special production process
BEWI-FATRIX® Fortify supports the metabolism of animals in phases of increased demand.
Add 100-300 g BEWI-FATRIX® Fortify per tonne of feed (for all animal species).