Efficient feeding reduces emissions
The basis of sustainable milk production is the supply of energy and proteins in line with requirements. Rumen-protected amino acids and rumen-stable fats are an important building block for this. In addition, emissions of nitrogen, phosphorus and methane are also reduced.
Rumen-stable fats (BEWI-SPRAY®) allow an effective energetic enhancement of the ration without providing substrate for methanogenic microorganisms. Methane emission is even reduced in relation to the higher energy supply per unit of “milk volume produced“. By using rumen-protected amino acids (BEWI-FATRIX®) and rumen-stable fats (BEWI-SPRAY®), dairy cow rations can be optimized in terms of protein and energy source use. At the same time, these products enable the targeted reduction of nitrogen, phosphorus and methane emission per kg of milk (…).